Everything as a Service

4-6 Oct 2021
Safe and Secure
Your health, safety and comfort at Servitization Live are our top priority. Together with the ICC Birmingham, we are dedicated to delivering a safe and secure event environment for you.
The ICC fully complies with government guidance on managing the risk of COVID-19 and the venue has additional measures in place to keep everyone’s experience safe.
The ICC, along with other large UK venues, have implemented Covid-19 status checks for all guests on arrival.
The accepted methods of showing your Covid 19 status are as follows:
NHS Covid Pass via the NHS App (please note this is not the same as the NHS Covid 19 Test and Trace app.)
It is advised that individuals apply no later than 48 hours before attending to allow for the application to be processed in time
You can download the NHS app from either the App Store or the Google Play Store
Further details on the NHS app can be found here:
Further details on the NHS covid pass can be found at the following link:
Lateral flow or PCR negative test results text or e-mail within 48 hours prior to attending the event.
You can order free NHS lateral flow tests from here alternatively, you can collect from your local chemist.
You MUST register your result on the Government website here – this will then generate an email or a text message to you confirming the negative status
This will also automatically link to your NHS App (mentioned above)
Proof of immunity shown by a positive PCR test result for COVID-19, lasting for 180 days from the date of the positive test and following completion of the self-isolation period.
If you tested positive for Covid-19 with a PCR test taken within 180 days of your event (including 10 days self-isolation following the result) you are eligible for an NHS Covid Pass as you have natural immunity.
You should register for the NHS App (as explained above) and click on 'Get your NHS Covid pass'. This should automatically display your name and QR Code. If this does not show phone 119.
Remember this will only work if you took a PCR test at the time you had COVID-19, NOT a Lateral Flow Test.
If you prefer not to use the app or do not have a smartphone you can obtain a NHS COVID Pass letter (proving vaccination status only) by calling 119 or visiting the NHS website.
ALL guests on arrival at the ICC will be asked to show proof of their Covid 19 status and these checks will be carried out at venue entrances by ICC security staff. Once proof of status has been checked, you will be issued with a wristband that you must wear for the duration of the event.
Any guest that does not provide one of the above accepted methods on arrival will be refused entry into the ICC and Servitization Live.
We expect all our guests and staff alike to comply with social distancing behaviours. For Covid reasons, you may be asked to observe one way movement at pinch points around the venue and moving in and out of the event hall. Hand sanitizer will be available within the hall and on the tables in the hall.
Please do not attend if you are feeling unwell.
To try and keep everyone as safe as possible we also ask that you do not attend the event if:
• you are displaying symptoms
• have been asked to self-isolate or
• live with an individual who has symptoms of Covid 19 at the time.
The ICC and Servitization Live also encourage the wearing of face coverings when moving around then venue and there will be plenty of hand sanitiser stations located around the site.
Further information on what the ICC Birmingham is doing to keep you safe can be found here -